Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Assignment 2: What makes a good reporter? Patrick Butler 24/10/2011

Section Editor of the Guardian, Patrick Butler, believes the ability to write is the least important quality in a good reporter.

Patrick Butler is an editor at the Guardian
(image taken from
Butler, 44, is currently the editor of Society, Health and Education Policy at the Guardian and has worked in the journalism profession for the past 20 years.

He has a list of six key qualities that make a good reporter.

He disagrees with the common preconception that it is essential to be a good writer in order to be a good reporter. “Stylistic flare isn’t necessary. I’ve written pieces where the editors have taken out wonderful description and all I can think is: b******s! But to be a good journalist you need to write short, transparent and nothing distracting.”

“Curiosity is second on my list” says Butler. “You need to have real passion for how things work, why certain things happen and you need to be constantly wanting to know things.”

Butler believes confidence makes a good reporter. “Self confidence and having the ability to push yourself is key. Asking questions is about 80% of the job.”

Third on his list is intelligence. “I don’t mean you have to have three PhDs! I just think you have to be able to analyse information.”

Determination and sense of adventure take fourth and fifth position on his list.

Butler studied a degree in English before taking a nine-month journalism course at Cardiff University.

Prior to his position at the Guardian, he worked in professional magazines in Soho, before joining the Health Service Journal, which is run by the NHS. He then worked for three years for the Guardian’s Society online section.

“Working online wasn’t as stressful back in 2000 as it is now. Now, reporters need to work with that constant demand and expectation from the public that news is continuous. It’s 24/7. When I worked online, we still focused on our 9 o’clock/6 o’clock deadlines.”

Butler earns over £50, 000 a year working at the Guardian.

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